Till din nummer 1 ❤️
Prisrosetter i all ära men detta armband är något lite extra. Ge någon lite extra kärlek och boost, kan absolut vara dig själv, med detta Nummer 1 armband. Armbanden är i silver och guldpläterad silver...
Or something like that. We’re thrilled to have the Pee Wee Bit in our shop! One day Lisen came in saying ‘We’ve got to sell the Pee Wee bits’ and ta daa they’re here! Her husband Peder Fredricson is a fan, and more importantly, his horses too. Cause that’s what it all comes down to isn’t it, all this searching for the perfect bit. Finding something that your horse will like, or in some cases accepting is a start. Would be great to hear from you what your thoughts are on this bit. Let us know! And if you feel like trying it out – buy yours here.
Good night and sleep tight pee(wee)ps!