
Get the Gallop is a Swedish lifestyle brand, founded and run by women.


Inspired by the equestrian world we create sustainable classics, such as the Hay Bag. 

Behind every Get the Gallop item lies a lot of love, thought, work and care. Starting with the design process, the research, the material choices and production to how we package and sell it. At every step of the way we twist and turn and try to make the best and most sustainable decision we can for the products, our customers and for the environment.

Gallopers out there in the big wide world will spot our products on fellow gallopers. They recognize our signature Sharktooth pattern and smile as they've found a fellow friend.

We always try to improve, to stay ahead, to keep learning and do better. For our planet and our fellow humans. We hope you recognize this when you follow us, shop from us or use our products. And we're very grateful and happy that you do!

xo team Get the Gallop


Home of the Hay Bag

The ultimate carry all for a life on the go and our everyday hero. Choose a size and go, go, go!