Three women who one day decided to join forces and create our (and soon hopefully yours!) favourite shopping place ever – Getthegallop.com! Lisen Bratt Fredricson, Caroline Kanekrans and Louise Hamilton.

Lisen has made a stamp on Swedish show jumping not just through her two Olympics, several Grand Prix wins, Falsterbo Derby win, Swedish Championship titles and so on but also through being an avid entrepreneur having founded events and companies such as the Swedish Riders Award (Ryttargalan), Swedish Select Horse Sales and Elmia Scandinavian Horse Show. She was also voted Athlete Role Model by the International Olympic Committee in 2010. We’re impressed.

Caroline then. She is also a horse lover and rider. Having grown up with more horses and dogs than she can count the stable and kennels gave her a good foundation to start up and run her own business, at 19. Since then she’s been working in various industries including fashion, interiors, advertising and communication either running her own businesses or working at lovely companies such as Mother London and Dubarry of Ireland. And all of that together has eventually led up to this!

And finally Louise. Our Art Director, Web-pro and Digi-everything! She’s then one who’s not riding but with two daughters and two horsey business partners we’re not too worried. Her time will come. Her experience spans from all over the world having worked at some of the top names in Advertising and Digital Communication. She also co-founded an art gallery and a webshop selling and curating art. From art to horses – not as big leap as you think!